• Fairholme

    FAST Aquatics Swim Club


FAST Aquatics Swim Club

Our Club exists to provide competition opportunities for swimmers in the Fairholme College program, and the wider community including girls and boys from other schools.

Fairholme Aquatics Swim Club, or FAST (Fairholme Aquatics Swim Team), provides training for swimmers from the 7 & Under age bracket, through to school-leavers. Once a swimmer commences FAST training their pathway is as unique and individual as they are, with competitive squad invitations, clinics and other programs dependent on age and ability.

Our fitness squads provide swimming training for fitness, while our competitive squads - Target, Development and Performance – offer an increased level of swimming and competitive focus.

Swim Club Nights

Club Nights are held throughout the year, giving swimmers the opportunity to practice their skills in a familiar, 'home turf' race environment. These nights are a great introduction to competitive swimming, as well as a fun, relaxed social gathering for the whole Club.

To make these nights possible, we rely on Mums and Dads helping out. Don't worry if any of these roles are a new task for you - they are easy and we give training! Helper roles include timekeeping, starter, marshaller, BBQer or food stall helper and data entry.

Joining the club

Contact Fairholme Aquatic Centre Office on 07 4688 4658 or email [email protected] to speak to one of our friendly staff, who will find the most suitable squad for your child.

Finalise your paperwork and payment for:

  • Club Membership
  • Training fees if applicable
  • FAST Club swim cap and shirt, if racing at external swim meets.

Payment must be made in advance.


Are you in a position to sponsor a Club event, team activity or morale-boosting reward for our swimmers? If so, we would love to hear from you!

All sponsor contributions are gratefully acknowledged and promoted to our Club members, College families and beyond. Please email [email protected]

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