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By Sarah Richardson February 28, 2025
Year 12 student Lilli Hamilton is a star on the rise, making a name for herself in the cricket world. From debuting for Australia to making waves in the T20 Spring Bash, and even playing for the Queensland Fire, her journey so far has been nothing short of inspiring. We caught up with Lilli to chat about her journey, juggling school and sport, and what lies ahead. When asked about the standout moments of her whirlwind summer, Lilli shared that it was hard to pick just one. “It’s been a fantastic summer of cricket,” she says. “For me, the highlights are shared between the T20 Spring Bash and my debut for the Queensland Fire. As a female player, traveling interstate and playing a sport you love is such an amazing experience. Both opportunities really helped me grow as both a person and a cricketer.” For Lilli, cricket wasn’t just a hobby—it was in the family. “My dad used to play cricket when he was at school, so I suppose it was always in my family,” she explains. “When I was 6, he saw how much I loved being outside and noticed I was fairly coordinated. He threw me a ball, and that was pretty much it—cricket has been a part of my life ever since.” From the age of 7, Lilli has been playing for both club teams and representative teams, and it’s clear that those early days set her on a path for success. With all the travel, games, and training sessions, managing school and cricket at such a high level is a challenge, but Lilli has learned to make it work. “It’s definitely a juggle at times,” she admits. “Luckily, most of the cricket season coincides with the summer holidays, so it’s a little easier. I make sure to stay really focused when I am at school and try not to let my homework and assignments pile up. When I do miss school for cricket, it can get pretty stressful, but I’m really lucky to have supportive teachers who help me catch up.” So, what does a typical week of training look like for Lilli? Well, it varies a lot depending on her commitments. “Usually, I train with my club on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Brisbane, and we play a club game on Sundays. If I have representative duties, I might train on Monday or Wednesday as well. I also sometimes fit in a personal training session on Saturdays, but it all depends on the week and the competition I’m involved in.” Given the demands of both her academic life and cricket career, we asked Lilli for some tips on managing it all. Her advice? “Don’t procrastinate. Get your work done whenever you can find the time. Also, make sure to dedicate time for yourself and don’t let school or sports consume you.” As for what’s next in the world of cricket, Lilli has some exciting events on the horizon. “We’re vying for club finals at the moment, which is really exciting,” she says. “The Queensland Fire also has a home grand final coming up, and if I get the chance to play in that, it will be pretty cool.” Looking further ahead, she has her sights set on a few key goals. “Obviously, I want to do my best in my final year of school and keep managing cricket as well,” she shares. “I’m not super goal oriented, though. I like to take each day as it comes and stay in the present, rather than get too far ahead of myself.” “I would love to pursue cricket professionally after school. But if that doesn’t work out, I’d like to go to university and work in business or politics after I graduate.” And now, with her final year of school on the horizon, she’s feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “I’m a little nervous because Year 12 can be a pretty stressful time,” she says. “But I’m also looking forward to embracing the challenges, and I’m excited to finish. I really want to enjoy the last moments of being at school, spending time with my friends, and soaking in all those last little moments at Fairholme.” No matter where cricket or life takes Lilli, one thing is certain—she is ready to take on whatever comes next. With her combination of talent, determination, and a grounded perspective on life, there’s no doubt we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.
By Sarah Richardson February 28, 2025
For our Head Girl Gracie Mack her journey at Fairholme began like many others—nervous but excited. Despite having two older sisters who had walked the same path before her, the first day still came with its challenges. ‘I remember two of my classmates and I spending far too long trying to find out where the classroom DC1 was,’ Gracie recalls with a laugh. ‘We walked around the school for half the lesson because we were too scared to ask for help. Spoiler alert: it’s the Drama Centre opposite the Library!’ That first day was a whirlwind of new faces and experiences, including meeting her teachers. One encounter particularly stood out. ‘I realised I had Mrs Wallis for Humanities, which was a bit awkward because I had unknowingly told her during the Boarding tours in Moonie that history was by far my least favourite subject. Lucky she didn’t hold it against me though!’ Some of Gracie’s most treasured memories come from the traditions that make boarding life at Fairholme so special. The first weekend of the year is always a closed weekend, filled with activities designed to help boarders settle in and form new friendships. One of the standout events for Gracie was the watermelon-eating competition, where she and her friend Anna Street would eagerly devour slice after slice in a spirited attempt to win—often ending up with sticky faces in the process. ‘Holme Day in the Boarding House was another highlight, with an early morning and a lip-sync competition to determine who got to go to breakfast first.’ And of course, Christmas Dinner was a special tradition: ‘The kitchen staff cook up a feast, and the night is filled with karaoke and each year performing a funny Christmas-themed dance.’ Given her deep connection to Fairholme, it’s no surprise that Gracie was inspired to take on the role of Head Girl. She had always loved being involved in school events and saw this role as an extension of that passion. Seeing past Head Girls on stage in Assembly had always been a highlight, and she admired those who had come before her. As the opportunity approached, she realised that the role would not only allow her to give back to the school but also offer invaluable personal growth: ‘Having mentorship and growing as a leader is an irreplaceable experience. And as I continued to appreciate Fairholme for how amazing it is, being chosen to represent that felt like an incredible privilege.’ When considering the legacy she hopes to leave behind, Gracie’s focus is on kindness and encouragement: ‘I want to promote bucket-filling, not just for future leaders but for the whole school. I want to leave behind a legacy of getting involved and being a cheerleader for everyone.’ Managing the demands of Year 12 alongside her responsibilities as Head Girl requires a strategic approach to time management. Gracie believes that preparation is crucial, noting that staying ahead of deadlines before exam blocks or major events always proves beneficial. However, she acknowledges that balancing commitments isn’t always easy. ‘Understanding your own limits is key,’ she explains. ‘Knowing how busy you are helps you recognise when to step back and when you have the capacity to assist others.’ Above all, she prioritizes rest. ‘Sleep is non-negotiable for me. It’s made a huge difference over the past few years, and I plan to keep it that way.’ She is also grateful for the strong support network around her, knowing they will always encourage her to take care of herself. And as a final fun fact about our Head Girl? ‘Over the years, I have taught myself how to raise one eyebrow and move my ears,’ she shares. ‘But I still cannot, for the life of me, whistle!’
By Sarah Richardson February 28, 2025
Becoming empathetic, responsible, relational and accountable... Words matter. Lessons in accountability are gifts for life. They are lessons we value here at Fairholme, where one of our five core values: respect is grown through many factors, including through the philosophy of restorative practices. It’s been the Fairholme way for more than two decades, its sited in the notion of accountability for actions, fixing problems respectfully and moving forward. It is not a quick fix because restorative practices is not something we do, it is about becoming… becoming empathetic, responsible, relational and accountable: tough lessons that take time to learn and appreciate. These lessons are bound through a worldview of “working with” rather than “power over.” For some it’s a big shift in how we see behaviour, how we see children and how we see ourselves. American psychologist, Ross Greene says that “we have forgotten that those skills on the more positive side of human nature have to be taught, have to be modelled, have to be practiced.” At a previous school I found myself meeting with a mother and son regarding the misalignment between his approach in class, his capability and his results. This was a chronically underachieving highly academically capable young man, unable to meet the expectations of the classroom. Contrastingly, he had two older sisters who had been engaged, hard-working students, high-achievers. His teachers were deeply frustrated and offended by Mark’s (not his real name) behaviour. I was told by some that this behaviour was mirrored at home. I reminded myself that such information was third hand – second hand at best. Yet, I knew from some reliable sources (their neighbours were also on staff) that things were tricky at home. I was keen to sit with his parents and the young man and plot a way forward. I was keen for a learning conversation around accountability, and importantly a respectful plan to move ahead in a better direction, with support. I was naively hopeful about the outcomes. Like all ‘perfect’ conversations that we prepare in our head, it ran in a vastly different direction. Such a different direction that more than a quarter of a century later, I can still recollect aspects of the meeting and I have remonstrated myself many times over the years about what I “could have/should have” done differently, better, more effectively. Mum arrived with Mark, no dad – it would seem that education remains, too often, the province of the mother. Things got off to an immediately bad start: Mother: I am so surprised that you have asked us in to discuss Mark’s results and his behaviour. Quite frankly, my husband and I think that this is about Mark’s teachers, not Mark. His sisters think so too. We simply don’t believe that he is the problem – your teachers are. We don’t see any of this behaviour that’s been described, at home. He is such a good kid, a perfect kid, really. Me: Thanks for that. Gosh, no problems at home? Then that is challenging – perfect behaviour at home and an inability to meet our expectations at school – in any of his classes. What do you think is happening? What can we do to get more of Mark’s home behaviour, here at school? Fortunately, memory has erased the full script of the conversation as it unfolded. Needless to say, we didn’t reach the sort of agreement or understanding I was thirsting for. And what came to pass was that this young man’s poor behaviour entered the public arena, the police arena, the legal arena on a number of occasions into the future. On hearing of this, each time, I replayed our conversation and winced, I felt a degree of responsibility for my own part in an unsuccessful conversation. I also pondered about the message Mark heard when his mother said, “His behaviour at home is perfect.” Because, in that moment he had his personal accountability snatched away. And Mark learned, through those words, that in a public forum, in the face of an authority figure, his mother would lie for him. Sometimes we do forget that “those skills on the more positive side of human nature have to be taught, have to be modelled, have to be practiced.” (Greene) Before we get too self-righteous, Greene also reminds us that “the kids we often find most difficult are the kids who need our empathy the most.” Words matter. Lessons in accountability are gifts for life. But empathy needs to be our first step, always. Dr Linda Evans | Principal REFERENCES Greene, R. (n.d.) Lives in the Balance. Accessed February 15, 2025. https://www.livesinthebalance.org Voigt, Adam (2020) Voigt, A. (2020). Restoring teaching: How working restoratively unleashes the teacher within. Adam Voigt.
By Sarah Richardson January 31, 2025
Beginning. Starting. Commencing. What does beginning well actually look like? Sometimes when we expect a perfect start, we overlook the quiet power of simply showing up, the world is run by those who show up. Those people who never, ever ring the bell, those people who show up, even when it is hard to do so, especially when it is hard to do so. Brene Brown reminds us that “the willingness to show up changes us, it makes us a little braver each time we do.” In enacting bravery, it is important to start small if that’s what it takes. American Naval Admiral, William McRaven says this: “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you can’t do the little things right, then you will never do the big things right.” He believes in persistence. His mantra is this: don’t ever, ever ring the bell. He refers to the initial training for the United States of America Navy Sea, Air, and Land Teams the SEALS. Their initial training sees more than 80 percent of participants drop out. During this training, a brass bell hangs in the center of the room for all the students to see. If they find the work too hard. If they decide against becoming a SEAL. All they have to do to quit—is to ring the bell. Ring the bell and they no longer have to wake up at 5 o’clock. Ring the bell and they no longer have to complete freezing cold swims. Ring the bell and they no longer have to endure long runs carrying heavy weights, the obstacle courses, or to suffer the hardships of training. Just ring the bell and it’s all over. When exhausted SEAL candidates reach their breaking point, they haul themselves to the bell and ring it three times. The sound echoes through the training grounds and announces publicly that another candidate has “opted out.” All they have to do is ring the bell. Just ring the bell and the hard work stops. I wonder if Lilli Hamilton (Queensland cricketer and HEAT member) rang the bell when Cricket training no longer felt like it was fun, or if Alex Edwards (Australian Orienteering representative) opted out of orienteering because frankly, the distance was too far, or if Scarlett Sippell (Emus National Youth Touch Football Squad member) gave up because training was too tough …. what they would miss out on … When we opt out, even when it is hard, we also miss out on possibilities. There are so many opportunities at Fairholme to achieve one’s best - academically. In the Arts. In Sport. Opportunities to serve others. To be a good friend – a good person. But then again, if any of those things are too hard, all anyone has to do is – opt out. Say it’s too hard. Say they didn’t get selected in the right team. Say their teachers didn’t give them the right results. Say they weren’t given the right position. Text their parents and tell them that Fairholme is awful. All they have to do, is ring the bell. Yet, if we want to change the world, If we want to get the best out of this year at Fairholme, whatever that involves - never ever give up. Start small, aim big. Always show up. Don’t give up. Don’t ever, ever ring the bell. The most meaningful changes in life are often built in the times that no one sees, and, importantly, in the daily decision to simply show up, and to show up for others. When my daughter, Natalie was twenty-one, she began her teaching career at an Autism specialty school in Brixton, London. She would phone me often: for advice, for debriefing, for re-setting – her school was classified as being in Special Measures – it was on the brink of closure. Often, when she phoned to describe her day – to talk about the boys in her class, all aged 12 or 13, it went a little like this: “Today, Mashley threw a chair through a window because he didn’t like the activity we were doing. I had to break up a fight at lunch. Jerome pulled a knife on me. Three boys in my class have joined gangs.” I wanted to say: “Natalie: get another job. That one is too dangerous.” I wanted to fly her home from London, immediately. I had to stop the urge to board the next plane to London and rescue her. But my advice to her – was this: Show up. Keep showing up. No matter how you feel… Get up, dress up, show up: don’t give up. These kids need to know that someone cares enough to show up. After all, when we show up for others, we can affect the most profound of changes. I am always intrigued about who shows up here at Fairholme – especially at difficult times. In 2011 when floods ravaged Toowoomba and so much of Fairholme was flooded – staff showed up - in their holidays. They turned up to rip up carpets, move furniture, clean floors, and walls. Last year, in the sadness of Sess’ passing our community showed up, in droves, with deep compassion – importantly, our community showed up for one another. I think of 2024 Year 12s who showed up for others, after they had officially finished attending classes at and were preparing for or undertaking their external exams. Lizzy Kelly and Ciara Teahan showed up to play in the stage band, for the Year 11 Leaders Assembly, so that the group could perform at its best. Roma Aarons came to an Assembly in November to share a fabulous rendition of ‘Hotel California’. On a Sunday morning, early in December, graduated students Rachel Yap, Alana Callaghan, Amelia Ramia and Roma Aarons, showed up at Rosies to prepare food for Toowoomba people who don’t have easy access to basic necessities. After last year’s Interschool Athletics Carnival, Clare Hogan noticed staff picking up loads of lost property and carrying it into the Assembly Hall. She asked – Can I help? When we show up, especially when it is for others, especially when it’s hard, we learn a lot about ourselves and others. The students at the school where my daughter taught in Brixton, London – needed teachers to show up, they needed people to notice them, they needed interest, care, attention. They needed to know that they mattered. The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time, particularly when we show up for others. Show up. Keep showing up. Show up for others. And remember the advice of Naval Admiral, William McRaven … even when it’s hard, don’t ever, ever ring the bell. Begin well, continue well, finish well. Dr Linda Evans │Principal
By Sarah Richardson January 23, 2025
Fairholme College student Zoe Hurford is currently living the dream as part of an exchange program with the prestigious Rugby School in England. Her time abroad has been filled with memorable moments, cultural discoveries, and a deep appreciation for the warmth and support of the Rugby School community. ‘The Rugby School is incredible," Zoe shares enthusiastically. ‘My time here is disintegrating far too quickly, and there is so much more I want to do. Everyone is really welcoming and supportive—staff and students—and I cannot wait to make more memories with them all.’ Zoe recently had the chance to address the entire school during Chapel. In her speech, she highlighted Fairholme's rich history and shared some amusing observations about differences between Australia and the UK. Her witty recount of answering common questions about Australia had the audience in stitches. ‘Yes, I’ve seen a kangaroo. No, I don’t look under every chair in case something is sitting under it. Yes, there are spiders. No, I wouldn’t recommend trying to beat up a kangaroo,’ she joked, bringing a taste of Aussie humour to the English school. As part of her exchange, Zoe has embraced Rugby 7s as her chosen sport and is relishing every muddy moment on the pitch. ‘I am absolutely loving it, even though the pitches are always muddy—it’s too cold for them to dry. Returning to Bradley covered in mud has become a ritual. I’ve loved learning more about the game and am excited to improve my skills in the coming weeks.’ Adjusting to the academic life at Rugby School has been a challenge Zoe has embraced with determination. ‘My classes have been really good, more so now that I can actually find them,’ she laughs. ‘There’s a clear distinction between the work I’ve done and what they are doing here, but with my classmates' help, I’m getting fairly comfortable with the topics.’ No update about England would be complete without a mention of the weather. Zoe finds it surprisingly manageable. ‘It’s definitely cold, some days more than others, but it isn’t as cold as I was expecting. It doesn’t have Toowoomba’s harsh winds, so that makes a big difference,’ she says. However, the shorter daylight hours have been a noticeable change. ‘By 4 p.m., it’s dark, which makes doing afternoon activities a lot harder. And sadly, my farmer’s tan is slowly disappearing—a reality I’m still coming to terms with.’ As Zoe continues to immerse herself in this transformative experience, she remains grateful for the opportunity to represent Fairholme College and explore all that Rugby School has to offer.
By Sarah Richardson January 20, 2025
Fairholme College has officially launched its High-Performance Sport Program, an innovative initiative aimed at supporting student athletes in achieving their sporting and academic goals. The launch marked a significant milestone in the College’s ongoing commitment to empowering young women through both education and sport. Olympian and Fairholme Old Girl Tatum Stewart was the guest of honour, returning to her alma mater to help unveil the program. ‘It’s super exciting for these Fairholme students to have the exposure to this High-Performance Program. Looking back, if I had an opportunity like this, it definitely would have catapulted me even sooner into the high-performance sporting world,’ said Tatum. Casey Reynoldson, Fairholme’s newly appointed Head of High Performance, also sharing her vision for the program and her extensive experience in elite sports. Casey brings a wealth of expertise to the program, having studied Exercise Science, a Bachelor of Exercise Physiology, and completed a Masters of Secondary Teaching. She recently returned from the University of Yale, where she conducted a research project, adding further depth to her leadership of the program. ‘I’m incredibly excited to lead this new chapter for Fairholme’s athletes,’ said Casey. ‘The program is designed to help them enhance their athletic performance while providing them with the tools needed to balance the challenges of sport and academics.’ The program includes tailored strength and conditioning plans, load management strategies, recovery programs, fitness testing, and academic support. A highlight of the launch was the live demonstration of the program’s state-of-the-art timing gates, which will help athletes track and improve their performance. Fairholme has a proud legacy of athletic excellence, producing Olympians like Tatum Stewart, Dom Du Toit, Emilee Cherry, Cathy Freeman, and Dannielle Leisch. This year alone, over 130 Fairholme teams competed locally, with 450+ girls excelling in individual sports, 127 Darling Downs Representatives, and 21 Queensland athletes! This new program is set to propel Fairholme’s athletes to even greater success, reinforcing the College’s commitment to fostering the next generation of sporting champions.
By Sarah Richardson December 13, 2024
The much-awaited ATAR results have been released. The anticipation has been replaced by relief, and, for Fairholme’s senior cohort of 2024, there’s cause for celebration. This inspiring group of young women have demonstrated the Fairholme way through impressive traits of perseverance, resilience, and positivity – traits that will hold them in good stead long into their diverse and promising futures. Notably, each 2024 senior finished her year eligible for university entrance as well as a plethora of pathway choices including early entry offers for over one third of the cohort. For others, there has been the nervous focus on a specific ATAR result required to ensure entry into a specific course. Options look especially promising for the 36% of the ATAR-eligible students who achieved a score in the 90s. Of note too, two students achieved perfect scores in two of their individual subjects – and three students in one of their individual subjects. Additionally, 7.2% of the cohort achieved scores in the 99 range and 24% of the cohort in the 95 and above range. As a College, we celebrate each and all of our Year 12 graduates – we have appreciated their contributions to the College throughout their schooling, and, importantly, we look to their futures with great optimism. For this generous and inclusive senior cohort of 2024, we are both proud and grateful.
By Sarah Richardson December 13, 2024
For many aspiring actors, the dream of stepping into the world of performing arts often feels like a distant fantasy. For 2024 Fairholme College Head Girl Rachel Yap, however, that dream is now one step closer to reality. This week, Rachel received the thrilling news that she had been accepted into the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting program at the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA). This opportunity marks a major milestone in her long-held dream to pursue acting professionally. ‘I've wanted to become an actor for as long as I can remember, and I've found comfort in the creative arts my entire life. While I've always dreamed about becoming an actor, it felt more like a dream than a reality for so long. It wasn't until quite recently, probably the last year or two, that I realised that this passion could actually become my career in the future, I just had to work for it.’ The NIDA program Rachel has been accepted into is a three-year, full-time Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting. Designed to prepare students for a career in acting, the program offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes performance technique, voice and movement classes, and even stage combat, voiceover work, and screen and TV acting. With more than 1,000 applicants vying for just 24 coveted NIDA spots, Rachel admits that she had no idea whether she’d be accepted. ‘They don’t usually take people straight out of school. The whole experience of making it to the final round was insane to me so I just tried to appreciate each step of the way and not fantasise about getting accepted too much,’ she says. ‘But overall, I had a really positive audition experience and learnt so much, so I was feeling hopeful.’ The audition process for NIDA’s highly competitive program is rigorous, involving three stages. First, Rachel submitted an online video application featuring her performance of two monologues—one heightened text and language piece (i.e, Shakespeare) and one contemporary piece. ‘I submitted that video in mid-September and then in November I got an email saying I'd made it into the second round which was an in-person audition in Brisbane. During my in-person audition, I performed my first two monologues again and then made it to the third round later that day where I performed and workshopped a third monologue. Finally, I participated in a short ten-minute interview.’ When the call came, the news was overwhelming. ‘It was surreal,’ she recalls. ‘I kept walking around the house thinking, ‘I can’t believe I got in.’ I had spent so much time stalking the NIDA website and Instagram, imagining that I would get to go there one day, and now that it has finally happened.’ Rachel immediately shared the good news with her family and close friends, including Fairholme Speech and Drama Teacher, Mrs Katrina Bailey, who had played a key role in supporting her through the audition process. ‘She helped me pull together my applications and offered her creative guidance and expertise. But what really meant the most was the belief she had in me every step of the way.’ Looking ahead, Rachel has big plans for her future. While she has a deep love for the stage, her ultimate goal is to break into the film and TV industry. ‘Once I finish the course, I hope I can fully support myself through my acting’, she says. ‘I’m keen to learn all that I can about art and humanity through acting and hopefully elevate the voice and stories of marginalised people through my creative endeavours.’ As for what inspired Rachel to pursue acting, she credits a childhood favourite: Dorothy the Dinosaur. ‘I like to say that Dorothy the Dinosaur inspired me to pursue a creative career,’ she laughs. But in all seriousness, Rachel has drawn inspiration from a wide range of actors, including Bella Ramsey, Anna Sawai, Michelle Yeoh, and Saoirse Ronan. ‘These are all people who are pioneers in the acting industry and who are brimming with talent, humility and compassion.’ Throughout her time at school, Rachel’s passion for the arts has been nurtured and supported by both her teachers and peers. ‘I am so grateful that Fairholme provided me with so many opportunities to develop not only my acting skills but also my creative skills through activities like the school musical, choir and instrumental groups,’ she says. ‘But most of all, it was the people at Fairholme who really helped me get here. Regardless of whether they were involved in the creative arts of not, all my teachers and peers were so supportive and enthusiastic about me pursuing acting and I am so grateful for that.’ Now, with her future at NIDA on the horizon, Rachel’s acting career is truly just beginning. Her journey is proof that with hard work, dedication, and a little bit of belief, dreams really can come true.
By Graeme Morris December 3, 2024
“I’m sooooo stressed.” “This is too stressful for me to do. I am too stressed to do well.” “I do not know how I’ll mange, there’s too much to do. I am too stressed to manage.” “How are you?” “Stressed.”
By Sarah Richardson November 12, 2024
In just a couple of days, Fairholme College Year 12 student Lauren McAdam will be stepping out of the classroom and into a new chapter of her life, one shaped by both her academic aspirations and her family’s enduring support.
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