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    Old Girls’ Association


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Fairholme Old Girls

Ardens Sed Virens - Burning Yet Flourishing

Since 1921, the Fairholme Old Girls Association has maintained a rich tradition of connecting past students of the College with each other while creating new connections with present girls.

It’s a place celebrating the lives and careers of Fairholme Alumnae, where the breadth of our Old Girls achievements and contributions to the community are wide and varied. Fairholme Girls maintain a strong connection with the community, often returning to the campus to share their stories, their passions, their successes - those which were developed and nurtured during their time at Fairholme.

Our Old Girl community engenders a sense of belonging, mentorship and support to our girls that extends well beyond the gates they depart each year as they step confidently into their futures. Our Old Girls are forever linked by the unbreakable bond of being ‘Once a Fairholme girl - always a Fairholme girl’.

FOGA is dedicated in helping our girls build a network with other alumae. Our growing membership base - more than 11,000 Old Girls - allows girls to reconnect with classmates, further career networks and engage with other girls who share the Fairholme history.

Key aims of the Fairholme Old Girls’ Association (FOGA) are to:

  • Provide connectedness of Fairholme Old Girls, which involves maintaining a current database locating past students who have changed addresses and/or names in order to keep us in touch with our Fairholme family. Are you a Fairholme Old Girl who has moved? Or can you help us find some ‘missing’ girls? Please contact us! We would love to hear from you.

  • Care for and preserve a great number of Fairholme artefacts and memorabilia, displayed with pride and affection in the FOGA foyer at Fairholme College.

  • Donate a number of bursaries and prizes to Fairholme students each year, as well as an annual donation each to the Fairholme Foundation and Fairholme Old Girls’ Education Foundation.

Inaugural 'Coming Holme' Dinner

“One thing I remember as a Fairholme girl is the enthusiasm. The get up and go, the jump’n’jive and throwing ourselves into everything we did… That enthusiasm for life and giving all of it a go is something I have held close since leaving Palm Drive. It’s been a lasting gift from my days at Fairholme.” - Old Girl, Jenny Wynter


That enthusiasm was on display in all its glory as Fairholme Old Girls celebrated the inaugural FOGA Coming Holme dinner - an incredible evening of connection and conversation.


Fairholme Old Girls from 1959 to 2022 came from far and wide to catch up with friends and raise money for a special FOGA bursary.


Old Girl, the brilliant Jenny Wynter, had the audience in stitches as she reminisced about her time in the MacLaren tartan.


To all the Old Girls who came, ate, celebrated and reconnected, thank you!


Special thanks to our Platinum Drinks Sponsor, MacDonald Law for helping us make our first Coming Holme dinner a super success!


Watch this space for the announcement of the date for next year’s Coming Holme dinner.

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FOGA Committee for 2024

FOGA President: Georgia Stafford

Vice Presidents: Katie Murray (1999) and Caitlin Crowley

Secretary: Sarah Jane Macdonald (2009)

Treasurer: Naomi Aird (1983)

Patroness: Marie Cameron (1961)

Fairholme Old Girl

Reunions in 2024

10 Year Reunion - Class of 2014

Organiser: Libby McPherson

Where: Cork & Lever

When: Saturday 19 October 2024

Time: 6pm

Tickets: $70pp

RSVP: Click here to RSVP and pay

Eventbrite - 10 Years On: Class of 2014 Reunion

30 Year Reunion - Class of 1994

Organiser: Kaye Amos-Fleming

Where: The Rooftop, Muller Bros

When: Friday 18 October 2024

Time: 5.30pm

Tickets: Pay as you order

RSVP: October 11 2024, [email protected]

40 Year Reunion - Class of 1984

Organiser: Megan Daniels

Where: Fitzy's on Church

When: Saturday 19 October 2024

Time: 6.30pm

Tickets: Pay as you order

RSVP: October 11 2024, [email protected]

50 Year Reunion - Class of 1974

Organiser: Claire Wuth

Where: Cafe 63, Southtown Shopping Centre

When: Saturday 19 October 2024

Time: 12pm

Tickets: Pay as you order

RSVP: October 11 2024, [email protected]

60 Year Reunion - Class of 1964

Organiser: Wendy Wilson Button

Where: Picnic Point Cafe

When: Sunday 20 October 2024

Time: 12pm

Tickets: Pay as you order

RSVP: October 11 2024, [email protected]

FOGA Meetings

Fairholme Old Girls Association meetings are held at the Fairholme College Homestead each month. Please email [email protected] for the next meeting.

We would love to see new Old Girls come along and join our enthusiastic committee which regularly plan activities - as fresh ideas are always welcome.

Contact FOGA

Stay Connected

As our girls graduate from Fairholme, they automatically become a part of the Fairholme Old Girls' Association - a vibrant and united alumnae network of trailblazing leaders.

All past students are encouraged to stay connected with the College. Update your details to keep connected and engaged with upcoming social and business networking events, mentoring opportunities, reunions, meetings and developments at Fairholme College.

Update Details

'Missing' Old Girls

Your help in locating Past Students is invaluable. The Past Student listing › allows you to instantly find the names of all Past Students including those whom we have been unable to locate.

Through the FOGA Office you may also request contact with another Fairholme student. Personal information (other than name and year) is not disclosed in the listing.

Past Student Listing

‘Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit.’  - Indian Proverb.

Giving Back

You can help a future Fairholme girl by financially supporting a scholarship, or simply providing funds for a uniform, a new schoolbag or her first Panama.

Your contribution will help build the future generation of Fairholme Girls who will learn, grow and be empowered to make a difference in her community. Your support can give girls from all backgrounds the opportunity to live and study within the supportive, inclusive and vibrant community of Fairholme College.

Donors can make a direct deposit into the FOGA Special Fund (details below), or call the Business Manager, Mark Freeman, on 07 4688 4688 to talk about a contribution.

Fairholme Old Girls Association Special Fund:

BSB: 638-080

Account No: 700398 S24


By Sarah Richardson July 25, 2024
While the inaugural Fairholme Old Girls Association Coming Holme dinner was all about welcoming our Old Girls for a night of connection (and fun!), it was also about fulfilling one of our founding tenants, which is honouring our pasts and celebrating our futures. We are thrilled to announce that the Fairholme Old Girls’ Association (FOGA) presented a cheque for $5000 to Principal Dr Evans for a scholarship bursary for a deserving Fairholme student. This initiative is at the heart our FOGA purpose: to support and nurture our future Old Girls, ensuring they have the opportunities to thrive and succeed. At Fairholme, we believe in the power of education to transform girls’ lives. This bursary is our way of giving back to deserving young women whose lives will forever be enriched and empowered by their Fairholme education. FOGA President Georgia Stafford said, “The Fairholme spirit lives on through our commitment to nurturing and lifting the next generation of female leaders. We are excited to see the incredible achievements of the recipient and the positive impact they will undoubtedly make in the world.” Thank you to all our FOGA members and supporters who made this possible. Together, we are making a difference!
By Graeme Morris July 10, 2024
Q&A with Georgina Rackemann Touch and Rugby 7s Co-ordinator and Teacher of Physical Education and Mathematics.
By Graeme Morris July 5, 2024
“Act well your part; there all the honour lies.” Alexander Pope
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Focus on Fairholme

Keen to hear about Old Girls’ news and adventures? Take a read of our latest edition of 'Focus Magazine'.

Focus on Fairholme 2023

Focus on Fairholme 2023 (6.5 MB PDF)

Focus on Fairholme 2022

Focus on Fairholme 2022 (7.8 MB PDF)

Focus on Fairholme 2021

Focus on Fairholme 2021 (14 MB PDF)

Focus on Fairholme 2020

Focus on Fairholme 2020 (8MB PDF)

FOCUS on Fairholme 2019

Focus on Fairholme 2019 (18 MB PDF)


Keeping in Touch

For any information about Fairholme Old Girls, please contact our Alumni Officer, Helen Lange.

Past Student Listing

Alumni Officer

Helen Lange

Reunion Co-ordination & Memberships

Focus Magazine

Kathryn Doyle

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