We are meant to keep focused for new life, for new beginnings, for new experiences, and to use our abilities to move beyond all those things that may serve as excuses toconfine us to the now. - Byron Pulsifer
Dear Members of the Fairholme Family
Welcome to 2020 at Fairholme. We look forward optimistically towards a challenging, exciting and enjoyable year of learning and welcome our whole community to engage with us in the year that lies ahead. I acknowledge the difficult circumstances that confront so many affected by on-going drought, and the added complexities of the fires that have ravaged our southern states during the past months. We continue to pray for effective rainfall and relief from that relentless blue, or orange sky, and trust that we can continue to support our families in dire need. I hesitate to celebrate the recent rains too enthusiastically, knowing that the distribution is invariably fickle - but what a joy it has been to see and hear rain in recent days in Toowoomba.
I especially welcome all new students and families who are beginning their Fairholme journey. I know that many girls have been preparing for this new chapter in their education with great anticipation, and we too are excited to welcome an influx of students, including our largest Year 7 cohort - ever. May the year ahead be rich in its challenges and also in its rewards. Our teaching and boarding staff look forward to working with you and your child/ren throughout the year, they too share the excitement and anticipation that are hallmarks of new beginnings. I encourage you to engage in social opportunities as they arise. Community connection was an area identified strongly through our strategic planning consultation in 2018 and we continue to make this a focus at Fairholme.
As the beginning of the school year beckons, I ask that you keep a close look at the College web site or phone app for start-up information, or to contact the administration office (07) 4688 4688 should you have any further queries.
As is typical of the holiday period, significant refurbishment and upgrades to buildings and grounds have occurred. Whilst the quality of teaching, learning and pastoral care will always be sited first in our school context, we are also grateful for spaces and areas that enhance learning and living for our students and our staff. The following spaces may directly affect your daughter or you: the internal walls of the Fairholme gymnasium have been painted; a new Sports and Physical Education staff room has been created opposite the Swim coaches’ office and a Physical Education classroom has been built where the Sports’ Office was previously housed. The Homestead exterior has been painted and now mirrors the heritage colours of the Performing Arts Building, as well, the bathrooms in the Health Centre have been refurbished.
Grateful thanks are extended to our maintenance staff who have been pivotal in many of these projects, along with attending to their regular maintenance and tending the gardens throughout the drought conditions. We are always appreciative to all involved in the processes of rebuilding, refurbishment and construction. In schools so much work is completed over such a short time frame and at Fairholme this simply could not occur without the commitment and skill of our maintenance staff whose painting, construction and (de)construction skills are exceptional.
If you have accessed our website you may have already noted the strong academic achievements of the senior cohort of 2019. Whilst we will acknowledge these girls more formally at the Commencement Assembly and Induction of Leaders on Wednesday 29 January, we express our pride in their accomplishments, as well as appreciation of the work of our teachers and families who have journeyed with these young women. Our 2019 seniors have diverse and significant opportunities that lie ahead and we are excited by their promising futures. We have watched the release of university offers with great interest.
We also extend congratulations to Layn Arnold (Year 10 2020) for gaining a bronze medal in Triple Jump at the All Australian Athletics Championships in December with an outstanding series of jumps. To compete at this national arena is an exceptional achievement; it is also testimony to the fine work of our Athletics coaches and we also acknowledge their commitment to the program throughout 2019. We look forward to a strong 2020 program, particularly with Athletics Coach, Ms Kirsten Murry taken up the full time role of Co-ordinator of Sport Performance.
Dr Linda Evans | EdD, MA, BEdSt, Dip T, MACE, MACEL
Fairholme College is proudly a college of the
Presbyterian Church of Queensland